- Editorial:
- Año de edición:
- 2011
- Materia
- Narrativa
- 978-0-349-12311-0
- Páginas:
- 320

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Comprando en El Club de los Raros fomentas la economía circular y solidaria apostando por el consumo responsable. Recuperamos libros sin usar y los convertimos en objetos de transformación social para financiar ONGs, plantar árboles, fomentar el trabajo inclusivo y hacer accesible la cultura.
"Constance Harding's comfortable corner of Surrey is her own little piece of heaven. She lives in a chocolate box house complete with an Aga and a parrot, her bell-ringing club is set to dominate the intercounty tournament, and she is sure she can get her son, Rupert, to settle down if she just writes the perfect personal ad for him. Naturally, things turn disastrous rather quickly. And she's about to learn that her perfect home conceals a scandal that would make the vicar blush. Her Lithuanian housekeeper's undergarments keep appearing in her husband's study and her daughter is turning into a Lycra-clad gap-year strumpet. As her family falls apart, Constance embarks on an extraordinary journey. From partying in Ibiza to riding bareback with a handsome Argentinean gaucho whose only English words are "Britney" and "Spears," Constance is about to discover a wider world she thought it was too late to find. Hilarious, inventive, and ultimately heartwarming, A Surrey State of Affairs will appeal to fans of Major Pettigrew's Last Stand and the novels of Alexander McCall Smith. "-