- Editorial:
- Materia
- Narrativa
- 978-0-87612-098-9
- Páginas:
- 742
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Comprando en El Club de los Raros fomentas la economía circular y solidaria apostando por el consumo responsable. Recuperamos libros sin usar y los convertimos en objetos de transformación social para financiar ONGs, plantar árboles, fomentar el trabajo inclusivo y hacer accesible la cultura.
New revised and expanded Spanish editions. The definitive introduction to the science and philosophy of yoga meditation. Self-Realization Fellowship's editions of Autobiography of a Yogi have sold several million copies since first published in 1946. This life-transforming book opens the mind and heart to the spiritual possibilities that exist everywhere and in everything. It reads like an adventure story while answering questions about religion, God, existence, yoga, higher consciousness, and the challenges of daily spiritual living. It is a book for people of all faiths; anyone yearning to know what life is truly all about. Self-Realization Fellowship's editions, and none others, incorporate all of the author's wishes for the final text, which include extensive material added after the first edition was published and a final chapter on the closing years of his life.