- Editorial:
- Año de edición:
- 1982
- Materia
- Narrativa
- 978-0-552-12140-8
- Páginas:
- 331

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Comprando en El Club de los Raros fomentas la economía circular y solidaria apostando por el consumo responsable. Recuperamos libros sin usar y los convertimos en objetos de transformación social para financiar ONGs, plantar árboles, fomentar el trabajo inclusivo y hacer accesible la cultura.
Deception, blackmail, murder, revenge are the themes of these ten stories that move from London to the coast of Spain, from Dublin to Dordogne. The title story tells of a successful businessman who can have anything he wants from life and yet is still bored. "A Careful Man" tells of a wealthy coin dealer who is dying of cancer but has no one he wants to leave his fortune to. In "Privilege" a businessman who has been libeled seeks redress and "Used in Evidence" is about a man who may - or may not - have killed his wife thirty years previously.